​10 Best Things About Whistler & Her Full-Part ReEdit With Roxy Girl Robin Van Gyn

​10 Best Things About Whistler & Her Full-Part ReEdit With Roxy Girl Robin Van Gyn

Robin is a ripper and sent over this hilarious list along with her newest edit ... both are badass - just like her - so check em out!

  1. Two humps, one town.
  2. The bubble: You get free stickers from a sponsor, you are the man, seriously, you ARE the man…until you leave, but hey, it was good while it lasted, eh bud?
  3. It’s Christmas until April, but really it just winter.
  4. The locals deal that kicks in after 2 weeks of living in staff accommodation
  5. The Longhorn, for keeping all of the tourists in one bar. Bravo, business must be good.
  6. People assume you are totally broke and inept and living in your 30’s as a ski bum when you tell them you live there. Pretty much true.
  7. The lifetime supply of razors you get during the World Ski and Snowboard Festival.  Samples for days.
  8. You buddy’s parent’s condo…and their toque collection from 1984
  9. It’s not Squamish or Pemberton.
  10.  The last drop of your  first Dusty’s Voyager and the realization that you might be having one of these every day for the rest of your life, cause you are a lifer and you ain’t never going nowhere away from here. 

​And the main course:

Yeah Robin! You kill it.... 

Psssttt ! Envoie-ça à ton ami!