I'm not a terribly political guy but I came across this campaign from none other than Canadian icon David Suzuki and his David Suzuki Foundation the other day and couldn't not help spread the word. It's scary to think all those things I grew up thinking make Canada such a better place to live than most are slowly being stripped away from us – a no one seems to be able to stop it.
If the video above doesn't make you want to take action, maybe these words will:
"With a country as beautiful as ours, it’s easy to see why our identity as Canadians is rooted in the landscape that surrounds us. But all of this beauty is under threat, and so is the health of our friends, families and communities.
Did you know Canadians don’t have a right to breathe clean air, drink clean water or eat clean food? Does this sound like your idea of Canada?
We think it’s time to finally make the image of Canada match the reality of Canada. That’s why we’re building a movement to see the right to a healthy environment become a fundamental Canadian right.
That’s what this is all about: creating something that is bigger than all of us so we can protect the one thing that matters most, the health of our communities and our children.