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Top 5 Insane-O Sports You Just Have To Try This Winter

Winter is here but that's no reason to lock yourself indoors! Not a skier or snowboarder? No worries! Here's 5 ridiculous (and awesome!) sports just begging you to give them a go!

1- Snow Biking

Biking down a snowy hill? Why not!

Every year in Switzerland, the Glacier Bike Downhill sees over 150 cyclists careening down a mountain at over 90 km an hour! Set for March 8, the 2014 event (the 11th annual) is set to be the biggest yet!

2- Ice Climbing


If simply getting to the top of the mountain is not challenging enough for you, why not take the hard route? Say, up a frozen waterfall!

3 – Extreme Downhill Ice Skating

Crédits: TheRiderPost 2013©

Need more adrenaline in your life? Look no further than this Red Bull invented "sport" which involves four big ass dudes rocketing down an icy course in a no-holds-barred format. Try to snag yourself a spot, or simply go watch the action in Quebec City, this March 22nd!

4 – Snow Kayak


Yes, kayaking on snow is a thing! Of course it's Red Bull who is promoting this insane and hilarious "sport". While still awaiting details on the 2014 event, we can enjoy this highlight reel from the Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013 event held in, of all places, Estonia. 

5 – Shovel Racing

Getting back to it's roots after the big shovel racing explosion of the mid-90s, this is one sport we all already have the equipment for! And did you know there's been a shovel racing event held annually in the (awesomely named) New Mexico town of Angel fire since the 70s?


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