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Whistler Cheap & Healthy – A website to help us bums save a bit of coin!

It ain't easy making it in Whistler but luckily Tash Penner has started a website to help stretch those paycheques while still eating healthy. Whistler Cheap And Healthy is packed full of resources to help with shopping, meal planning and recipes that will help you save money while eating like a pimp (a healthy pimp to boot!). 

The simple recipe for Thai soup looks amazing, I'm seriously making it tonight. And even though much of the site is geared towards those living in Whistler, almost everything is applicable no matter where you live. 

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33MAG: Where did the idea for Whistler Cheap and Healthy come from?

Tash: Being a local in Whistler on and off for nearly 7 years I have seen people eating KD and Mr. Noodles for days. While this is not the case for everyone, a large majority of staff in Whistler are not able to eat properly due to the cost of food.

What are your goals with the site? Where do you see it going?

My goal with this site is to help people in Whistler eat a little healthier. While I am not trying to turn everyone into a health nut, I am trying to show people that it is not difficult to eat better on a budget, with just a little bit of planning and careful shopping. A lot of people do not correlate injury with poor diet (just one of many factors), and being in a town where we are constantly hucking ourselves off of things it is very important that the body gets the nutrients it needs to stay strong and also to heal up properly after that (GASP) sh*tty bail.

I see the site becoming a valuable resource for newbies and locals alike.

It's no secret Whistler is a super expensive place to live, do you think there's really a way around it?

Yes, it is VERY expensive but with proper planning and people knowing their rights when it comes to landlords etc (Know the tenancy act – landlords here pull a lot of illegal shit) you can make a pretty good life here. Make sure you budget and are buying groceries before booze (sounds simple but you would be surprised), drink lots of water and sleep when your body tells you (ie. dont go out 5-7 times a week – you would be surprised how much further your cash will go).

What made you want to start this site?

I am a part time web-designer and I simply saw a need and filled it. I have learned from my own trial and error living here and wanted to help others eat a little healthier while still staying within our budget restraints.  I have included a weekly food specials calendar, shopping tips, recipes, food storage tips and more, there is even a guilty pleasures section (we do live in Whistler after all).  You can also find a list of farmers markets and grocery stores in the area. I am open to suggestions, recipes and tips so please like the page on Facebook to contribute to the project.

What's your number one tip for living cheap in Whistler?

Be creative. Hustle and dont get caught up in the scene. Eat at home and pack a lunch whenever possible. Happy eating!


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