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The 3 Best Yoga Moves For Hangovers

It was discovered 3000 years ago by monks in the Afghani mountains, I bet they never thought we’d be using yoga for this purpose. Or maybe they did, those guys were smart, this stuff works!

Anngela Lea Whistler yoga instructor is kind enough to demonstrate the best poses to do when you over did it the night before.



To massage the organs, they have a lot of work to do!

Cross your left leg over your right. Take your heels to opposite but cheeks. Place you left hand a few inches behind you and bring your right elbow to your left knee. Look over your left shoulder if you want.




At first this seems like the last thing you would want to do. Colleen Felgate owner of Yama Yoga recommends this inversion to get things moving, circulating blood and flush out last night’s Jaeger shots.

Clasp your hands together, cup them behind your head, then walk your feet up until your hips are stacked over your shoulders.  Then lift your legs. Tighten your core. Be careful of your neck, try and push up with your arms. Maybe do this one against a wall if you’re unfamiliar with it.



Because this is probably all you can do.

This one’s easy, lay there! You can also put pillows under your knees and neck to support the lower back and neck making it extra comfortable. Turn the lights down and feel your breathing with your hands on your lower abs. Just wait for the bad feelings to go away.


It won’t help with regret, about whatever it was that happened, but physically these moves should help you cope. Felgate also recommends “Water, electrolytes and not drinking so much,” she says with a smile.

Felgate will also be doing free yoga sessions in the Whistler Village during the World Ski and Snowboard Festival (the World Ski and Stagger Festival) at 1:30 pm. Join these friendly fun ladies for some de-tox time.

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