WEEKEND READ: Lens Crafters: LORENZ HOLDER @ Snowboarder Mag

WEEKEND READ: Lens Crafters: LORENZ HOLDER @ Snowboarder Mag

Thumbnail - Photo: Lorenz Holder, Rider: Marco Smolla

Snowboarder Magazine has a wicked interview and gallery with the amazing photographer Lorenz Holder.

You can check it out here.

My favourite part?:

"Are you gonna shoot snowboarding forever?

I’ve asked myself the same question a couple of times. I’m not shooting snowboarding to get rich, because that will never happen when you only shoot snowboarding. I just love the sport and the fact that I can do whatever I want. Snowboard photography just has so many facets to its imagery that it never gets boring. You have to shoot: Action, landscape, lifestyle, products, portraits, studio and so on. But I guess I will stop shooting action when I don’t feel connected to the crew I’m traveling with anymore. I guess that’s a good point to switch. But right now, I just can’t wait to go out shooting again. The best feeling is when you come home after a long cold night shooting and you know you got some good stuff and have a cold beer with your crew."

Psssttt ! Envoie-ça à ton ami!