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World Open of Photography Highlights – Action Sports clean up
The World Open of Photography is an interesting competition open to photographers of all discpline world-wide. There were all kinds of judged and view-voted categories such as Nature, Street, Sports, etc, with some really incredible world on display. It was a bit overwheling actually, although these things usually are. There were a ton of action sports images in there and many took home awards, and not just in the Sports category.

Below are some of our favourite picks from the winners, and then click through the link at bottom to check out all the rest. There's also going to be a live event this spring in Vancouver, BC.


1st place Action & Photographer of the Year went to Lorenz Holder with this incredible shred image.


2nd place Nature from Xiao-Sheng Ho


2nd place Action from Brian Bielman – NUTS!!!


2nd place Open from Chris Burkard – I thought this was amazing, then I saw the surfer!


People Choice Award from Scott Bauer


Check out the whole shebang here, there's a ton amazing work in there.

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