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Yet Another Reason Why y’all Should not Ride Scooters

Some dude somewhere in Asia got really lucky. Actually, we don’t even understand how he is not dead. That’s how lucky he was.

Bro was riding his scooter on a busy road, along other cars, motorcycles, and trucks.

Then, our lucky man did something very dumb. He sped up to get ahead the person filming the scene, and tried to squeeze in between two trucks. 

Yeah, just squeezin’ in guys, don’t move. Just passing through.

However the dude kinda’ bumped the motorcycle along the way and was sent to the ground, right between the trucks. Which alone, is  scary enough if you ask us.

THEN, a truck rolled over his head. Over his damn head! And the dude just stood right back up.

That’s some real life Final Destination shenanigans right there, and we would be extra careful if we were him. Just in case ya’ know.

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