Andrew Burns is a snowboarder's snowboarder. The dude shreds so hard and so much that it's hard to be friends with the guy sometimes, hanging around him makes you feel guilty for not going sledding for the fifth straight day even if it's dumping…. "We'll just go play in the trees" he'll say with a little grin on his face… haha… So seeing him finally get his own pro model, on a board company started by shred legend Chris Roach no less, made everyone who knows Burns smile, hard.
Burns recently travelled down to California for the official D-Day launch party and was kind enough to forward over this sweet play by play of an epic looking trip … thanks Burns!
(here's where Burns takes over)
For those of you that don’t know, D Day is a new Snowboard company that was just recently started by the legend himself, Chris Roach. The team is myself (Burns), Chris Roach, Deadlung, Eric Messier, and Laura Hadar. Our boards are ill and will be available this fall.
Anyways… so we all fly in to LA, I was extra psyched upon arrival when I found out I was sharing a ride to Venice with another legend, Mike Ranquet. Dope. Cruising up to Venice Beach was awesome, I hadn’t been there since I was a kid. It’s still so punk and grimey. We all met up and just went cruising for a bit. Lots of beers, some food, then headed to the skatepark for a bit. Sick zone there!
Game time! Launch party is starting up soon and shit is gonna get crazy! We’re all super fired up and starting to get a crowd going outside. Time for metal, booze, and our official Launch!
Mid day it seemed like a good idea to head back to the spot for a nap. Ran into these two in a Venice alley. They gave me a weird look when I was like “Hey let me take your picture, you look like Canadian Cops eh!”
It’s official: www.d-daysnowboards.com