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Creepy Montreal-Born Founder Dov Charney Gets Shit-Canned From American Apparel: The 13 Sexiest AA Ads To Come From The Mind Of A Twisted Genius
It seems as though all the good times and boundary pushing has finally caught up with the chairman, founder and CEO of clothing brand American Apparel and controversial figure Dov Charney has finally been given the boot!

The Globe & Mail reports:

Montreal-born Dov Charney, the controversial founder of casual clothing retailer American Apparel Inc., has been ousted as chairman of the company, and the board is preparing to fire him as chief executive and president as the result of an investigation into alleged misconduct.

The action caps more than a decade of controversy at American Apparel, including financial troubles, a set-to with the U.S. government that forced it to lay off thousands of workers who did not have proper immigration documentation, and advertising featuring a do-it-yourself porn look.

And in honour of Dov's swift kick in the ass, we've rounded up 13 of our favourite, sex-oozing, head-turning and highly controvesial Amercan Apparel adverts. Many of these were shot by famed photographer Terry Richardson, quite the controversial figure in his own right

Here we go!

First off .. it's panty time!

This one's interesting

Work it girl!

Just takin' in the view …

Yup, that'll work 

Crotch shot X founder message … only American Apparel could pull this off


Hello Amy

Yup, totally checking out the socks

Exactly where are you going to wear this?!


What's this chick up to I wonder?!

This last one combines sex, provocation and political messages… not an easy feat but Dov takes care of it!


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