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15 Ingenious Ways To Hide Your Booze In Plain Sight This Summer

It's time to get outside but alas, how to bring your beverage with you without attracting attention? No worries, we rounded up the best ways out there to get your drink on stealthily, check it out!

1 – Inside a DIY soda can cozy 

2 – Soda can cover sticker 

3 – Barnoculars!

4 – Papa Bert's Stadium Sippin' Seat Deluxe Kit 

5 – (For the ladies) The WineRack

6 – In plain site! (Fun fact: You can fit an entire bottle of wine in a starbucks “trenta” cup!)

7 – Firebox Wine Handbags

8 – The Freedom Flask

9 – "Bev-Cam" Camera Flask

10 – Kooler Club

11 – Reef Drum Sandal

12 – Bible Flask





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