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Your Own Personal Drone Filming Your Next Park Lap Is Not As Far Away As You Might Think

Next Level Aerial Filming is aiming to make drones as easy to use as pointing and clicking with your phone. Bring it on!

Although the technology behind the system has actually been around for a few years now, if these guys get their product to market soon it will actually be pretty mind-blowing. The way they have demonstrated their software to work makes it look like a dream to film the perfect shot. Touch and go filming, auto-following, return-to-home … as futuristic as these features all sound they actually all currently already exist. But putting them together into a slick package as the one imagined here would be simply amazing. 

Of course there are a ton of obstacles to overcome as well, such as what happens when there are two drones in the same airspace, what happens when the batteries run out, and of course what about regulations? The drone scene is already experiencing huge regulations in the states making commercial filming all but impossible.


I actually have a sneaking suspicion this is a spoof or at the very most a "proof of concept" type project, but what is most interesting is that technology-wise there is absolutely no reason why this product couldn't exist today. On the other hand, they seem to have some pretty big names in the action-sports and filmmaking world putting their names to the project so, who knows!, maybe it is real after all!

I have reached out to the company for comment and have not heard back but will update when I do!

For more info check out the website HERE or visit them on Facebook

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