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Amazon Drones may offer unwanted Haircuts

Now, I am by no means a consperecy theorist. Most of the time I am a first adopter of any new tech.  These Drones being tested by Amazon really have me questioning a few things!

One, with all the people in the world ordering product off Amazon there will have to be millions of these drones flying around. Out of those millions flying, how many will crash and burn and what will they crash and burn on?

My second issue with them, how will the battery last. In a lot of drones that aren't carrying cargo, the battery doesn't last all that long. Is Amazon going to have charging stations that a drone can automatically dock with? If so, maybe Amazon should invest in electric vehicle charging stations, that way, the delivery people can keep their jobs while using tree friendly vehicles and solve the issue of a lack of car chargers on the planet. 

The third and in my opinion the most important issue. Being a fitness nut, how the heck are those drones going to carry all my protein?! More specifically, what about the heavy orders? 

That being said, I love the idea but the cost to produce an insanely perfect drone and pay off the potential law suits for property damage may be too high for this to work.

There are millions of other problems they would have to solve. 
Where will the drones leave packages? What happens if someone swipes that package, or worse the drone itself?
If the drones have cameras, who would want it flying by their window?


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