The internet is an amazing thing. It can bring down governments and give a voice to millions of otherwise ignored souls. For better or worse. Anyone with some experience into the world of online comments and trolling will easily attest to the fact that that power can sometimes be dangerous if not wielded carefully. Such was the case when the above photo got posted to Imgur, a photo-sharing website, and then shared on Reddit, "The frontpage of the internet", both incredible tools in their own rights but also home to millions of very bored people just itching to make their mark via snarky, and sometimes hilarious, comments in the comments section.
Click HERE to see the photo larger
(ps, the photo was posted with the title "For a single photograph, my friend traveled 2000km, and camped -30c to capture an image of a skier under the Aurora Borealis." and the choice of words was as much a target of the comments as the photo!)
Krabbe and Seagel. You'd think they'd take a picture at a beach.
This is definitely photoshopped. At least a composite. There isn't enough light to freeze the skier and capture the sky.
World's Okayest Photo. Congrats, man.
"Hey! Sorry, lens cap was on! I'm gonna need you to come back up!"
I appreciate how hard it is to get the photo, but it looks very fake. It's not a great photo. Sorry.
i never understood saying "for a single photo". did he like limit himself to only one picture? why only take a single photograph if you travel 2000km? you should take tons of photos
33MAG: When did you decide to drop this photo into the public? Don't photographers usually keep their hammers for the mags?
Reuben: The photo is actually about a year old. It was the center piece of a story in SBC Skier mag in Sept 2013 and ran as a DPS, then it is in print in Ski magazine right now, and the whole story is also in 4Skiers italy. I released it since it wasn't going to run again this year, and has huge value to be out in the world rather than sitting on a hard drive.
My friend from Calgary posted it, with permission. I was sorta hoping for it to get spread around a bit, I wasn't expecting it to have half a million views in less than 24 hours.
I received a text from a friend saying 'dude, you're on the top of reddit right now'. I was standing on top of a mountain, and the rest of the world was sitting on toilets and office chairs looking at it. Very strange feeling
I've been paid for the photo from previous publishing, at this point I'm more interested in sharing something with people, rather than getting more little publishing here and there. Obviously photography is my job so I seek payment, however I don't simply shoot for paycheques. I shoot to create things that people can enjoy.
Hmm, not really sure how reddit views would translate to a big advantage other than the way that it exposes your work to a ton of people. I don't think yesterday was a world changing moment for me, it's simply another moment when people see a photograph and associate it with a photographer.
What about the comments … They're frickin' hilarious. What are your thoughts on that?
Love em, a couple could be pretty offensive if you didn't realize the people hating are doing so simply to say things and make noise. I love how many people appreciated the photo, the discussions it created, and hopefully a couple smiles.
But it's not real, is it? 😉