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No Resolution? No Problem! 5 Awesome New Years Resolutions For Skiers & Snowboarders
1. Treat your gear with love

We can't all afford all new gear every year but by resolving to take better care of the gear you do have you'll be sure to get a lot more life out of it then if you just toss every thing into a wet, smelly corner at the end of the day.

2. More road trips!

No explanations necessary here. Road trips are food for the soul. Load your car up with gear, throw in a few buddies or lovers and get going. It really doesn't matter where as long as you have a positive attitude and a desire to experience new things. 

3. Take a ski vacation

This is where the list starts to get expensive, but hey, you only live once and if you don't get to experience the grandeur, excessiveness and insane terrain on offer at any of the world's top resorts you'll regret it always. Whistler, Mammoth, Chamonix, take your pick and get there.

4. Go Cat-skiing

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ski powder all day, day after day, and never cross a track the whole time? Cat-skiing is your ticket to the backcountry, and may not be as expensive as you thought. From all-inclusive deep-in-the-backcountry lodges like Baldface, to day-operations like Powder Mountain Catskiing near Whistler, a cat is a great way to access the goods. Deep snow all to yourself, private guides and a warm cabin to defrost and snack on cookies in between each run. Heaven!

5. Go Heli-skiing

Taking the last one up a notch is the mythical heli-skiing trip. While this is about the most extravagant way to spend, well, a shit-load of cash quick it's also the one thing that should be on every skier or snowboarders bucket-list to try at least once. With all the same powder and zero tracks of cat-skiing, what the helicopter adds is the element of being able to quickly move between mountains, or even whole mountain ranges, in seconds, literally guaranteeing you perfect conditions. You'll get to ski incredible alpine bowls like you see in the movies, and if your guide deems you skilled enough he may even let you drop in on some gnarly lines. This is one you are sure not to regret!

Bonus # 6. Get fit!

No explanation necessary here. Your body will thank you, you'll be able to ride WAY harder and longer and I never heard a girl complain about a dude who's abs were too ripped!


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