There's a revolution just getting underway and it's going to make your life a whole lot easier – and more connected! Smart home (and life) gadgets are slowly appearing on the market that take something we all take for granted and don't really think too much about and improve the shit out of them in the hopes of making your life not more data-filled and complicated, rather to simplify and give you more time (and money!) to spend on what's important.
Nest Thermostat
This guy has been on the market for a few years now and basically kicked off the whole "smart home" revolution. This seemingly-simple looking device designed by a few ex-Apple employees is actually a super smart tool that can sense when you're in a room or away on vacation and automatically adjust your heating/cooling system accordingly, it automatically learns your habits and uses those to save you money (paying for itself in short time), of course you can login and set it all up via smartphone, plus, well, I'm sure a hell of a lot of other cool shit. I even just recently read of an instance where a dude was logging in remotely to check on whether his guests had checked in to his AirBnB pad without bothering them. Cool!
Nest Smoke & CO2 Detector
After the success of the above-mentioned thermostat, the Nest crew decided to tackle another seemingly boring home device that really hasn't changed much in 50 years, the smoke detector. Basically banishing away the insane-o loud warnings you get when you burn something on the oven, this puppy instead uses a system of colored lights and a gentle human voice to warn you when it detects smoke or CO2 levels rising, before sounding the "full alarm". You can silence it with the wave of a hand as well, a huge bonus over having to find a stepladder while freaking out about the insane loud noise! There's lots of other cool tech built into this puppy, least of which is it's ability to link up with other Nest products, creating a smart home network that can work together to keep you safe and, well, warm (it will report back temps and motion info to your Nest thermostat to help it do it's thing… cool!)
This one really gets me going! (hey, I'm a geek. tech shit makes me horny, that's not weird right?!) It's a totally normal looking door lock that you can unlock with the wave of your smart phone. Fuck yes! So simple yet so genius. You can also grant access to others for long or short periods of time – ie. that plumber who comes over can use his phone to get into the house between 3-5 tomorrow, even if you're not around to leave a key). Bam!
Ok, so this one is exactly for the home, and you can't actually buy it just yet – per se – but this is basically the same device as above but for your bike. No more lost keys or forgotten lock combos. They just reached their kickstarter goal and got a huge amount of press, so hopefully this little baby will be out in no time – cause it's awesome! Again, because of the tech involved there are lots of other great uses for this e-lock … bike sharing, activity tracking, etc…
So there you go. It's the start of a real revolution out there folks and this is just the beginning. Pretty much every device in our lives can benifit from some sort of connectivity – okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration – and by the sign of these first smart products, there's no reason why they can't be unobtrusive and super useful at the same time.