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Top 5 Viral Videos of the Week
1. Space Oddity (above)

"A revised version of David Bowie's Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station."

This is my fave and has to be the coolest thing a Canadian has ever done!


2. "Test Drive" featuring Jeff Gordon

"Jeff Gordon and Pepsi MAX go to a car dealership where a disguised Jeff Gordon takes an unsuspecting car salesman on the test drive of his life. #GordonTestDrive"

Pretty hilarious … wonder if it's real?


3. Daytona 300 crash 23/2/13 Spectator view

This is pretty gnarly but you gotta love the enthusiasm and the refusal to put down that light beer.



4. Accidental Reserve Parachute Deployment

No audio but pretty insane. Poor dude, one second he's in a plane, the next he's flying backwards at a million KMs/h!


5. SpaceShipTwo — Telescope View of First Rocket-Powered Test Flight
Insane on a number of levels, not the least of which is that this thing was basically built by Richard Branson – a UK billionaire – just for shits and giggles. You gotta admire that kind of vision. "Oh hey there. Didn't notice you over there cause I was too busy building a spaceship that goes SUPER-FUCKING-SONIC on it's first powered test flight."


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