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Ryan Manning Check-out, Gallery and the latest Olliepop edit!
words & photos by Kyle Gibson

Ryan Manning is one of Whistler's hardest working amateur riders and the definition of sending it. If you've ever been to Whistler, you've probably seen him in Blackcomb's XL park going bigger than anyone else. If he's not there, he's throwing down heavy tricks in the street, on the way to the next contest or juggling spatulas to entertain the crowd of customers at work. He's a humble, down-toearth guy too – meet him out partying, and you'd never guess that he's one of XL park's finest…at least until the next day when you hung-overly glance at the jumps and realize that in fact, that's not a bird or plane up there – it's Ryan, sending it!

Kyle: How's the season been so far? You've been cleaning up some contests and getting some
exposure lately, are you stoked?

Ryan: Couldn't be more happy with this season. I got to travel around canada for some contests, stacked a podium finish at the Canadian Shield in Seymour, learnt a few doubles and filmed a bunch with Olliepop Films for their When in Whistler edits.

What's it like living and working in Whistler as and up and coming rider?

It's awesome! I work with a rad crew at Mongolie Grill. We shred, work, and party together, so no matter what were doing, we're having a good time.

Seems like every snowboarder from Manitoba moves to Whistler, how did you end up here?

Boarding has always been my favourite thing to do and when I saw some prairie boys blowing up in Whistler I thought I might as well give it a shot.

Best and worst part of Whis life?

Best part would be being able to shred almost year round and worst would be going to the grocery store. Everything is twice as much as it should be.

What was filming with Nuulife for the WSSF Intersection like? Tell me something hilarious
that happened during that week.

The Nuulife crew is dope, just an awesome group of people going for it. Best part of Intersection would definitely be piling 40+ people into John's RV and mobbing to the premiere. SPORTS!!!

Front lips or back lips?

Back lips.

Lips or box?

Her lips.


Ryan at work in the park

Plans for the summer?

I don't know exactly what's going to happen, so far it looks like glacier shred, rope swings, skating, and maybe a trip to Aussie land for a few slope contests.

Sponsors, Shout outs?

I wanna thank Radical Gloves, Fyve Snowboards, Jeremy from Olliepop Films for helping me get myself out there and of course, my parents! Stay rad ya'll!

Check out Ryan and the rest of his crew in Olliepop's brand new episode of "When in Whistler: Last but not Least"!!



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