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How to Have an Awesome Summer

The year was 2007. Determined to have an unforgettable summer, I established a list of Summer Goals. Goal #6 was to try every flavour of blizzard at Dairy Queen (failed that one, but came mighty close). Goal #12 was to shotgun a Tab energy drink. Nailed it. Learn to drive standard, try skimboarding, go surfing—all in all, 2007 was a very productive and memorable summer.


Ah, to be 21 again.

Having goals is awesome because it challenges you to keep moving forward instead of staying stagnant. I live in an awesome town full of a MILLION things to do, but it’s still easy to get stuck in a routine. People get complacent: they’re not going anywhere, the activity isn’t going anywhere, so what’s the rush?

Well, there is no rush, besides the fact that you're preventing yourself from making your life even more awesome. Maybe you’ll uncover a new passion or push yourself beyond what you thought were your limits. At the very least, you’ll make new memories and live new adventures.

So get out your iPhone, open that Notes App, and create a new one called Summer Goals 2013. Think of all the things you’ve wanted to do for a while but have delayed for whatever reason. Write them down, and then start tackling them. Recruit enthusiastic buddies and make it happen.


I'll make it happen one day…


I leave you with some inspiration: my Summer Goal 2013 List

  • Try downhill mountain biking
  • Run the Whistler Half Marathon 10K race in under 55 minutes (lofty goal)
  • Hike the Black Tusk
  • Go to a music festival
  • Finish the Whistler 5Peaks race
  • Go camping
  • Become a “Big Buddy” with the Big Brother/Big Sister Sea-to-Sky program
  • FINALLY go down the River of Golden Dreams

Git ‘er done!

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