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« Red Bull Flug Tag » is coming back to Canada!
Red Bull Flug Tag is coming back to Canada baby!

You've most likely seen these events on TV but for those of you not in the know, the goal is to compete for the longest possible flight achieved in a home-built, human-propelled creation. No motors can be used as you and your team of four launch from a raised dock 22 feet up, take flight (hopefully!), and in an ideal world, cruise gently back to the water after hopefully covering some decent distance. But of course that's not what we really want to see!

Did you know Flug Tag comes from a German term meaning "Day of Flight"? Well, now you do!

It's all going down July 27th in Ottawa. 

Registration is open right now until May 31st but places are limited so if you think you have what it takes you better get your ass over to or call 1 877 FLUGTAG (358-4824).

You gotta be Canadian to enter and Red Bull will be hand selecting 30 teams to compete so you better have a good plan. Originality and creativity are key but at the same time your idea has to be somewhat realistic if you want  chance of getting selected. So dream big, but make sure you can put your money where your mouth is!

Check out the video below for a taste of what they're looking for!

Good luck!!




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