The course: Out of the gate, a run in to rail bonk. Then two berms to a step up over steps. This year a new addition, trees! Three trees spaced out, that racers must air between to a 15-20 foot step down. Now that’s Whistler riding right there. A few more classic bordercross corners then it’s the jump. A mandatory 360 off the jump is the only rule that matters in this race.
There was one more challenge this year. Fog. “ You can’t tell how fast you’re going. How high you are. Where your landing is,” Tim Russell, Pro Ride coach comments.
The Bordercross is definatly a less serious event. The vibe at the start gate is friendly and fun. A few racers look nervous but all around it’s an occasion for jokes and shit-talking.
At the moment in the Borderstyle if you’re a girl and you want to play you have to play with the boys. Sara Niblock former provincial bordercross team member is rallying the chias to get their own category. She’s done a fine job as the list went from two to 15 since the last Shred Show. Sara herself landed 16th after the first time trial, which would mean she would move on to the finals, the first female to do so. However she was knocked down after the second. The longer the girls are racing with the boys the more in danger they are of being out done! Sign up next year ladies for the cause if anything.
So many racers all competing for one prize. A monster energy crown. No podiums, just one sweet crown. And the winner? John Versteeg with a 720 off the jump. Versteeg will also be busy this weekend as he is competing in the slopestlye April 19th and the Big Air April 20th. 2nd place was Kevin Sansalone with a 720 and Martin Jaureguialzo from Argentina in 3rd with a big front flip of the last jump.