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WEEKEND BUMP: Just Say No to the Snow Date
In theory, it sounds perfect: bonding over a shared interest, uninterrupted conversation time on the chairlifts and a strong likelihood of some awesome/hilarious/terrifying event going down that will make for perfect inside joke material down the road. So how could I possibly make the case against the Snow Date?

I met a fellow the other day who dropped the term Snow Date, and I just loved it. I suppose I can see the appeal if you live in the city, where the Snow Date involves a mini road trip and a novel getaway. But if you live in the mountains like I do, here is my tip for you: avoid the Snow Date.

Issue #1: Lack of Clarity

You might think I am unqualified to write about Snow Dates because, since moving to Whistler, I have not actually gone on a Snow Date. But hear me out—I bet that there is at last one boy out there reading this right now, thinking, “What? I have totally been on a snow date with her!”.

I have spent many days enjoying some epic runs on the mountain one on one with an assortment of boy buddies. To me and to most of those dudes, these were just your typical awesome day on the mountain with a friend. So if you say to a girl, “Let’s meet on the mountain for a few laps tomorrow,” you may think that one on one hang out time = date, but she probably doesn’t even realize that you are asking her on a date.

Case in point: the guy who introduced me to the term Snow Date was telling me about the time when he was on a Snow Date with a girl who suddenly started talking about her boyfriend on the lift… surprise!

Issue #2: Too Casual

The casualness might seem like a good thing. It’s easy. It’s effortless. You’d probably be heading up the mountain tomorrow anyway, so why not make a Snow Date of it? Look, I’m not saying a date needs to involve seven course meals and lavish gifts, but a little effort is appreciated. If you’re living in a mountain town, things are probably very casual and laid back. Even something simple, like cooking dinner together or hitting up a local show, will make you stand out in the crowd of plaid and beanies.

Issue #3: Nobody Likes a Show Off

Some people like to impress on first dates. If you’re thinking you will close the deal with your sweet, sweet snowboarding skills, think again. If the lady in question is any good at snowboarding, she will be focusing on scouting out her own powder stashes, not on your moves. If she happens to suck at snowboarding, she will probably be so terrified about a) you judging her lack of skills and/or b) breaking a bone, that she will not even notice your fancy displays. Save the showing off for your edit, bro.

I know I sound like a Bitter Betty, but I am only here to help, y’all. If you’re living in a mountain town, the male female ratio is probably something like 3487:1. I know we all love it so much, but when we’re talking first dates, it’s for your own good: think outside the mountain.


Magee riding off into the sunset?

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