Tofino and Whistler, BC based Sharon Wu is a rad chick who as long as I've known her has never been afraid to try new things. An incredibly talented singer/songwriter, a kick-ass world-travelling surfer, a cook… the list goes on, but for now I'd thought I'd check in and see what's up with her line of hand-made clothing.
33MAG: You're a woman of many talents but we're here to talk about your clothing line. Can you tell me a bit about it?
Some of the new line
I'm seeing a lot of bow-ties popping up on my FB feed these days, you bringing them back or what?
I thought it would be a fun little experiment! The only bowties I had ever seen in stores were your regular, generic, boring black bowties. I figured I couldn't really go wrong with creating an upcycled, multi-patterned handmade version.
Bowties, lots of them
Last summer we had a wicked day together at the Tofino farmer's market where you were selling hand-made original designs. What else are you up to clothing-wise?
I am currently designing and putting together a small women's cocktail dress line for the holidays. Expect to see lots of lace, metallics, and of course, crush velvet.
Word on the street (ok, you told me last week) is that you're down in the city doing a trades course, what's up with that?
Yep, its true. It's more for personal knowledge and growth than it is to graduate with a red seal certificate, pulling wrenches and swinging hammers up North with my butt-crack hangin out. I have friends that sacrifice a lot in return for a fat paycheque, but my philosophy is to do what you love, and the money will follow.
What's next for the Wu-tang?
Good question, wish I knew the answer! I just started studying holistic business mastery. Eventually, I'd like to work towards a space where local artists can share their talents with the community and inspire others. I've still got a lot of planning to do, but in the meantime I'm pretty stoked on being back in Whistler….where doing everything I love comes pretty easy!!
By the way, my line is called NUWU. "A sustainable clothing line made from recycled materials. Each piece is made with LOVE and is one of a kind. Add some flare to your closet!"