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Sex In A Tent | Ten Handy Tips To Help You Get It On In The Great Outdoors This Summer

There's nothing as sexy and risque feeling as having sex in tent. Whether on a deep backcountry hiking mission, car camping with a crew of friends or at a music festival, getting it on inside a tent is not only a great way to blow off a bit of steam at the end of a long day but will also undoubtedly be a great summer memory to look fondly back on (or brag to your friends about if that's your sort of thing). 

But alas, getting frisky in the great outdoors comes with it's own set of problems and constraints that can easily turn something sexy into something, well, not sexy at all. Fear not though, a bit of preparation can make all the difference. Here are ten handy dandy tips to ensure you and your partner get it on in style this summer.

1. Pick your spot wisely

Look at the ground carefully before laying down that tent. Are there rocks and sticks poking out? Make sure to either pick a smooth, level spot or make one that way yourself with a shovel and a bit of (pre-sex) grunting. There's nothing worse than a rock in the back while trying to get it on.

2. A nice roomy tent is your friend

The more room to move around the better. A three-man tent is perfect for two people with a bit of love in their eyes.

3. Keep it clean

Camping can often mean a weekend of being covered in dirt from head to toe. Keep it clean and smell-free by taking a swim before bed and/or keeping some baby wipes and hand sanitizer around to (discretely) give those stinky pits a wipe before zipping up the tent for the night.

4. Turn the lights off

Tent walls are thin and therefore the perfect medium to cast shadows through. If you are in the proximity of others, make sure to avoid putting on a shadow show by keeping the tent dark. Alone in the woods? Skip this one and set a bit of mood lighting.

5. Get a double sleeping bag or two of the same that zip together

This is pretty self-explanatory but just know that two matching sleeping bags – we're talking car-camping style square-bottom bags here – will zip together to form one big bag. Too lazy to use zippers? There are couples/double bags available as well.

6. Turn up the tunes

Not only does music help set the mood, it also covers up any moans or groans that may escape the tent. Again, for the most part you probably don't want to put on a show for those around you and this is a biggie.

7. Wrap it up

Condoms are your friend, not only for the obvious reasons (no babies, yay!) but they also make cleanup a hell of a lot easier.

8. Choose your position wisely

Not every sex position was made for the tent. May we suggest you try the spooning sex position, a favourite of campers throughout the ages.

9. Keep it slippery

Hey, lube is a fact of life and can become all the more necessary out in the woods. Don't be afraid to bring along a little extra slippery help such as this 2-in-1 massage gel from Durex.

10. Post-lovin' swim

If you're lucky enough to be camping next to a warm body of water, a quick dip post-lovin' can make cleanup a breeze and is refreshing as hell.

Alright dear campers, you are locked and loaded and ready to go. Now get camping!

Need more info? Check out Sex in a Tent: A Wild Couple's Guide to Getting Naughty in Nature on Amazon


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