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You Know Your in Australia When Everyone’s So Chill After a Rear-end Collision.

Some days just suck. You wake up and everything you do goes to shit. You can't find your favourite shirt, you spill coffee, you burn your toasts, you miss the bus. Or, you get into a car accident.

We wish the later to no one, as it f*cking sucksHowever, sometimes amidst life’s crappiest moments you realise well, things could have been worst. And it seems it's particularly true in Australia!

We don’t know if it’s just us, but we find all Aussies we know are super nice and chill. Good vibes, you know?

So when this motorcyclist was rear-ended by a dude who wasn't paying attention, and everyone kept their cool, no fighting, no people screaming at each otherm we weren't surprised to learn it happened in Australia!

Just a bunch of people calmly handling the situation, lika a bunch of civilized adults. Gotta love Australia! 

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