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Justin Bieber : Don’t quit your day job, skateboard isn’t your thing.

Most people, including us and excluding most tween girls, love to hate on Justin Bieber. We we’re cool with the guy, and by that we mean we did not give a single fuck about him, when he started his career. However, in the recent years he's been too much of a public prick, giving Canadians a bad rep, to just ignore him altogether. 

As life is often a bitch and karma catches back onto you when you least expect it, we can't help but laugh at the video above.

Son, you ain’t no skateboard pro.

Honestly, with a little more practice we’re pretty sure he could land that flip. However, the fact that he gets totally owned by the skater who tries the flip right after him, can only make us thankfull he didn't.

Like, failing or falling when you,re trying to master a trick is annoying enough as it is, but doing so while everyone is trying to capture your every move to then post it online, has to suck even more. And that my friend is the Karma we were talking about.

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