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This Bad Lip Reading is The Best Thing that Happened to Football in Forever
Bad Lip Reading is a popular Youtube Channel that specializes in doing bad voice overs on film clips, political soundbites, videoclips, and more.

It’s an extremely simple idea, but it is freaking efficient at being hilarious.

They’ve had bad lip readings of the NFL before, but this year's edition is particularly funny. We have to admit that we listened to it more than once. 

We think the concept works so well with football, because of the contrast between fiction and reality.

Among our favourite quotes, which could pretty much by anything said in the video, we really love these :

“So you’re saying is that if you don’t like her, you buy her a second-hand handbag?” 

“Huuum, I like strong pickles, but not the funk house kind, alright? I’ll toss ‘hem out.”

“Who am I seeing? Who am I seeing? Vivian. Oh she just saw me. Go, go, go.”

“I’m not okay. I’m gonna crack. Ha.”


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