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Crazy Tackle Overreaction : Adryan Oliveira Tavares Needs to Chill Out
Crédit Humour Sports + 33mag photoshop magic
Soccer might be the most popular sport in the world, as it is played pretty much everywhere, but it still got a bad rep.

From stories about super crazy fans to professional players' questionable behaviours, who often end up with a hero/god status in some countries, it sometimes gets hard to just appreciate the sport for what it is. I guess being adored gets to the head of some players and makes them act like douchebags. Oops, we said it.

One of those questionable behaviours is the overreaction over tackles.  
However, it does make for great sports TV moments.

Today's example, is the ridiculous reaction of Adryan Oliveira Tavares, who prefers to only go by Adryan (ha!). He’s a young 20 y.o. dude from Brazil who plays for Leeds United.

Seriously, it might be the best soccer tackle overreaction we’ve ever seen. Bro really gives all he’s got. 

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