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6,700 Kaomoji in One Nice Handy List: Texting level EXPERT
Oh Internet, how I love you, especially when you come up with random, yet pretty sweet, things like the 6,700 Kaomoji list.

Those emoticons made mostly of Japanese characters are so nice, but not that easy to reproduce (maybe even impossible) on a qwerty keyboard. Or maybe there is just some fancy keyboard tricks I don’t know yet.

But fear not, the Kaomoji list solves this issue completely. Not only the emojis are sorted by category (angry, cats, bears, memes, etc.), they can be copy/pasted super easily. 

I know this is not a life or death matter at all, but damn these are so nice.

Just look at them.

From now on, I’m gonna’ be the really annoying person that answers in pictograms. Deal with it.



Oh, and want to transpose all of that in text message without the hassle? There even is an app for it! Yes. Thiat's what the Internet is for.

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