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Dafuc Japan: Instructional Japanese video teaches you how to ask for help when you have diarrhea.

It’s a total cliché to say that you come across super weird things when you search up Japanese videos on the Internet, but then you actually do come across THE weirdest shit. And I’m not even talking about porn. Just some good ol’ PG rated Youtube videos.

So this morning, I stumbled upon this lovely gem. It looks like it’s from the lates 80s /early 90s, but it could also really be super recent. We never really know with these videos.

The video seems to be part of an educational instalment, which aims at teaching English to Japanese citizens. That’s awesome, right?

However, the technique employed in the said video is…hum… kinda’ special. It starts out nice and normal with a little skit in which a Japanese lady suffers from violent stomach pain and tries to ask an "American man" for help. All is still well.

Then, the lady announces she suffers from a bad case of diarrhea.

At this point we're like… okk… maybe just asking for the directions to the closest toilet is a more useful thing to know? But you know… we're not completely weirded out yet.

But then shit gets weird when three ladies brake into a song and dance about the said diarrhea. what the fuck.

I told ya’ it was special.

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