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Only in Russia: Driver takes the passenger seat to enjoy his coffee on the road
Crédit Youtube - vitsipo1

We’ve all been there. You’re on a road trip, or even just a "kinda’ long car drive", and you start to feel like you need a bit of coffee to keep you awake and alive. Driving is no game. It’s serious business. I’m not even being sarcastic here.

However, for some overalls-wearing Russian guy, it doesn't seems to be the case.

Instead of asking his buddy to take the wheel while he enjoys the passenger seat for a well deserved coffee, bro goes one-man-operation style and decides he CAN enjoy the passenger seat, drink his coffee, and drive, all at the same time.

Yes, drive. With his foot. Just one.

And buddy seems to be quite comfortable doing so, which worries us that this might be a regular thing.

And like, why does the backseat passenger seems to be chill with it too?

Yeah, maybe we’re pussies, but we really would rather have the driver in the driver’s seat driving with at least one hand. We’re not asking for much, just not dying in a dumb car accident.

Only in Russia!

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