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Dude gets hit by a car while skateboarding because his ‘spotter’ friend failed.

Oh the good ol' buddy system, or spotter system. It is a pretty darn important thing when you're skating in the streets. Especially if you're filming parts or performing stunts that might land you in a busy street.

The buddy/spotter's job is to check for cars while you do your thing, so they can stop them or warn you to avoid getting hit by a vehicle. Your life might be in the hands of your spotter so you want your spotter to be on top of things.

MIlton Martinez's spotter was not quite on top of things as he just watched a car drive by, kinda' slowly, as Milton was about to perform AND land a ollie in the street. Oops.

Milton ended up being fine and the car as well(!)

This reminds us of that video, where it seems there was no spotter at all. Oh and the dude got away with no injuries. Crazy.

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