We're not exaclty afraid of elevators, but they just make us uneasy. It's still a heavy metal box that goes up and down a long shaft, held by cables. We know pretty much all elevators are super safe, but still.
When we hear stories like what happened at Huaqiao University, we suddenly feel less comfortable riding elevators. It's pretty upsetting, terrible, and sad. Long story short, after a still unexplained malfunction, the doors of an eleveor of the Huaqiao University remained open as the elevator was preparing to ascend. A student walked in and the elevator broke at the same moment trapping the poor guy between the floor level and the elevator, choking him to death.
We don't reccomend watching the video 'cause it's super graphic and well someone's death on camera, but yeah its on the Internet!
What we learned from this story: RUN when you enter elevators!