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Top 5 Skateboard Graphics

Top 5 Skateboard Graphics
Crédit Instagram @osakadaggers_colt

Ok, we know deck art gets all messed up after one or two sessions, but still we do think that it's important. Art is cool, right? We went through some of our favorite deck brands and we picked out the ones we thought were producing the best looking boards on the market right now.


Photo credit: 5BORO NYC

We chose  5B 'cause they have a wide range of designs. It goes from urban to vintage, and traditional tattoo art inspired. There's definitely something to please any rider here.

Heroin Skateboard

Photo credit: Heroin Skateboards
Heroin Skateboard collaborates with established illustrators, drawers, and painters for their deck art. We really appreciate this initiative. The results are always pretty rad. In the selection above, you can see work by James Jarvis, Colt from Osaka Daggers, and Simon True.


Photo credit: Isle

What else can we say about those decks from Isle's Studio #1 series and Push Pull #1 other than they look almost to good to be ridden. Excellent minimalist designs. 


Photo credit: $LAVE

There is something kind of gnarly about $LAVE's pet peeve collection, but we like it. The illustrations are pretty much messed up version of children storybook from the 50s. Our favorite is the Jon Allie deck.

Alien Workshop

Photo credit: Alien Workshop
A bit like 5 BORO, Alien Workshop offers a super wide range of deck art styles. At the moment, they have over 200 decks to chose from! We really like the ones above, featuring artworks by Marq Spusta, Sindri Mr Sigfsson, and Keith Haring.

Any brands you think we should add to our list?

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