Craigslist is super useful, there's no denying that whether it's for finding an apartment or a new job, it has pretty much everything covered. It can also be a great website to buy random stuff or, if you feel wild, meet people. Missed connections anyone?
So here's the best of the weirdest random shit we found on Craigslist *at your own risk*
The 'nice guy'.
Only $25, super sweet deal.
He wants to be there.
Talking about wrong stuff. This is pretty fucked up. At least that dude knows what turns him on and is ready to provide. It could actually turn into a win-win situation for a single mom.
Kidding, this is not a good idea.
Looking for the perfect male.
I'm not here to judge, but maybe looking for long term relation on Craigslit is not the best option out there. Also, what's up with all those super tight criteria?
This is not a stolen frame.
Just because you write it in caps, doesn't mean we'll believe the frame is not stolen. It just feels like you're screaming at us bud. Plz calm down.
FYI, it's probably stolen, those frame are worth like $1000 or so on eBay.
Still, Craigslist also has of some pretty sweet ads like the one below.
Oh and also some pretty sad ones.