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Cycle To The Sacred – Help Beyond Boarding Raise Money For The Klabona Keepers

Beyond Boarding, a Vancouver based collective that combine sports enthusiasts with activism has launched a new project, "Cycle To The Sacred". We are cycling 2,500 KM from Vancouver to the Sacred Headwaters to raise funds for the Klabona Keepers.

The Klabona Keepers, an organization of Tahltan elders and families, have been working tirelessly for over a decade to protect and assert their sovereignty in their traditional territory, The Sacred Headwaters. They have continued their ancestors responsibility in protecting it against harmful mining development – a 4000 hectare open pit coal mine to be exact; it is a place that we all benefit from as it is the birthplace to three of Canada's most valuable wild salmon watersheds.

How stoked would you be if this was your grandma. The Klabona
Keepers aren't afraid to put their "money where their mouth is". (CBC Photo)

In order to continue this resistance, donations are being accepted and this fundraising campaign is being launched alongside our Summer 2014 tour. A bike marathon up North is quite insignificant comparatively to the work they have done, but it is not only their responsibility to protect the Earth, it is all of ours and we need to support those sacrificing the most, those on the front lines."

Please share with your networks to help us raise $25,000 for the Klabona Keepers through our Indigogo campaign found HERE.

The $25,000 raised through this campaign will be used to directly support the Tahltan Elders group known as the Klabona Keepers. They are the people on the front lines, whose traditional camps are directly threatened by proposed development in the Sacred Headwaters. Specifically, to support the Tahltan Elders in Iskut in ensuring that their traditional values are appropriately reflected in the negotiations currently underway between the Tahltan leadership and BC government around protection of the Sacred Headwaters area. 

Currently, the Klabona Keepers and community members are building a cabin on their traditional territory in the location where previous resistance has taken place. The cabin is a symbol of unity and strength, and it's history includes the location where elders were arrested as they stood up to fortune minerals in 2005. The cabin will provide a cultural learning base for youth and other community members and will be an integral factor in the current and future fight to protect their territory.

[Editor's Note] What's so special about the Sacred Headwaters? Take a look at the these photos and you tell me! I'll be heading up there myself this fall and will be sharing tons of media through this and other outlets to help and help get the word out on all the amazing places and terrible things happening to them up there. Good on Tamo Campos and the whole Beyond Boarding crew for taking the inititive with this incredible project!

image courtesy of

The Skeena Headwaters – Photo: Brian Huntington

image courtesy of

[Photo: Paul Colangelo]

Photo: Paul Colangelo

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