At first glace I simply assumed this was some CGI trickery but it seems as though it's actually legit. How does one even catch a beast like this on a skimboard?! (answer: by jetski)
Exile Skimboards' pro rider Brad Domke is an absolute beast who uses jetskis to catch and ride insanely huge waves on a finless, paper-thin skimboard and the video above is testament to his radness.
From Exile:
Brad Domke called us up a couple of weeks ago psyching on some swell that was supposed to hit Puerto Escondido, or something… He needed some help getting there to ride beasts on a finless board like no one else on earth can. Given that Domke has been our boy for over a decade now and that he tends to deliver, we were happy to help him make the trip.
Little did we know he would catch hands down the biggest wave ever ridden on a skimboard… but he did.
Check out this other video of Brad that shows him catching some other beasts – you can see the ski towing him in