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Top 5 Whistler Outdoor Concert Series I’m Pumped On

Thumbnail photo: Mike Crane/Tourism Whistler

I have never paid to see a band play in Whistler. It’s hard to fork over the big money when you’re spoiled with free concerts.
I see it as a bonus for putting up with the ‘perils’ of summer—circling Lot 4 to snipe a free spot, directing 8,000 tourists towards Lost Lake, and the like.
I’ve cleared tables for that guy from Wu Tang Clan, pretended I’ve known the words to more than one of Nas’ songs, and bopped around to Sam Roberts, like, twelve times. No matter who’s playing, I always have a good time. But this summer—this summer I am legitimately SUPER pumped for more than a few concerts that a part of the Whistler Outdoor Concert Series. Here’s a little countdown of stoke.
#5: Pre Pemby Show
True Story: Whistler Edition—I had to sell my ticket to the Pemberton Valley Music Festival. I am consoled by the fact that I’ll get to rock out to a little pre-festival show in Whistler Village on July 16th. Okay, it might not be Soundgarden or Outkast, but I’m still down to check out Gord Downie, The Sadies, Dan Deacon, and my favourite, Matt Mays.

#4: Said the Whale
Ca-ca-ca-camilo! I like to do that thing where you’re like, “Oh yeah, I liked Said the Whale back when…”. I dutifully attended secret shows in Stanley Park and pasted stickers around Vancouver while jammin’ to the West Coast inspired tunes of Said the Whale, and I can’t wait to do it again on June 29.

(Also—Camilo is a real magician. He still does magic shows in the city. They are incredible.)
#3: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
It is VERY cool that we get to enjoy a week’s worth of free VSO concerts in July, and you’d be absolutely crazy not to check out at least one of their performances. I mean, how often do you get to feel a little classy in Whistler?
If you can attend only one show, make it the July 4th one. Reason 1: they’re playing 1812 Overture, which you will probably recognize, which will in turn make you feel like a person of culture. Reason 2: they’re playing the Star Spangled Banner, which makes me tear up upon hearing it—and I’m not even American. (They’re playing O Canada, too.) Reason 3: STAR WARS. THEY’RE PLAYING A STAR WARS MEDLEY.

#2: Corb Lund
In grade 11, I had a super, super weird English teacher. I still tell stories about Mr. Stiles. In hindsight, I think he was actually probably a pretty decent guy, but he was just VERY ill-suited towards teaching a bunch of indifferent teenagers.
I digress. Mr. Stiles once let it slip that he was a roadie for Corb Lund. This one’s for you, Mr. Stiles.
(Also, I really like the Truck Got Stuck song).

#1: Dallas Smith
I need to collect myself here. I’m not sure where to start.
I love country music in a big way. Earlier this spring, I came across a most unusual country song on the radio (in the Fraser Valley, obviously). At first, I hated it. Then, I found myself singing the chorus. Soon, I was frantically searching the internet for the “sheep sheep sheep and point” song.
If you have not yet heard “Tippin’ Point” by the one Dallas Smith, I command you to stop what you’re doing. Listen to it once. Then again. One more time. Congratulations: your life will never be the same.

So stoked was I when I saw that Mr. Dallas Smith himself would be in Whistler, that I tweeted about it. And then Dallas Smith followed me. This is for sure going to be the best day of the summer. 

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