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Demonic Werewolf Warnings And Other Facts About Today’s Full Moon/Friday the 13th « Honey Moon » Combo

Tonight's "Honey Moon" is a very rare even indeed. The next time there's a full moon on a Friday the 13th won't occur next until 2049! 

Do you believe in the power of the full moon? Do you or someone you know start to act weird every month around this time? Do you think it's all a pile of bullshit people use to sound all smart and shit? Well, here's a few facts about full moons, Friday the 13ths and Honey Moons for you to ponder:

– The honey moon officially reaches its full moon phase at 12:13 a.m. EDT on Friday morning for eastern North America. But its honey hues will shine most brightly in the early evening. (fuck, you mean I missed it already?)

– With the sun's path across the sky at its highest during this month of the summer solstice, the moon is at its lowest. The amber colors are due to the scattering of longer wavelengths of light by dust and pollution in our atmosphere. "It is a similar phenomenon as seen at sunset, when sunlight is scattered towards the red end of the spectrum, making the sun's disk appear orange-red to the naked-eye," says astronomer Raminder Singh Samra of the H. R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver, Canada

– Astronomer Bob Berman says that the honey-hued moon, which always occurs in June around the summer solstice, may have given us the modern term "honeymoon," with weddings traditionally held in June in some cultures.

–  People in English and Celtic-speaking countries used to believe that you weren't supposed to sleep with the light of the full moon on your face. They thought that the light would pull on your flesh and muscles and disfigure your face.

– The Farmers' Almanac advises planting crops that are valuable because of the parts that grow above ground (such as corn and wheat) while the moon is waxing, so that the moon pulls the plant out of the ground while it grows bigger. Conversely, it advises planting root crops (such as turnips and yams) while the moon is waning so that the diminishing moon helps the vegetables grow deep into the ground.

– The last time the moon was full on a Friday the 13th was Oct. 13, 2000. And that day was unlucky indeed. The headline on the front page of The Daily News was "MIDEAST EXPLODES" and chronicled the Al Qaeda attack on the USS Cole and bloody battles between the Israelis and Palestinians.

– The ancient Romans believed the moon caused madness and gave us the term "lunatic."

– Tthere have been no documented werewolf sightings on nights when there are full moons. Not even on Friday the 13th nights when the moon is full.

– A Finnish studyfound that female drivers were more likely to get in accidents on Friday the 13th, but a subsequent study found the correlation disappeared with better data and more controls. A German study similarly found that the number of accidents that occur during hospital operations is pretty much the same on Friday the 13th as on other days.

– A few other studies have looked at the very plausible idea that stock markets might perform more poorly on Friday the 13th — because of investors' superstition — but they found the markets actually do slightly better, on average, than on other days.

– A more interesting hypothesis is that while Friday the 13th itself doesn't cause bad luck, it does cause people to behave differently out of fear or anxiety, thereby causing things like accidents, which we attribute to "bad luck."

– Police departments often anecdotally link a full moon to surges in crime, and individual studies, at times, have shown correlations between the lunar cycle and arrests or mental instability. But they seem to be theresult of tiny data sets or misleading analyses.

check out this cool video of all the moon phases for 2014 from Nasa:


–  Fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia. Just like some people are afraid of spiders and the dark, others suffer from a deep-rooted fear of this day surrounded in superstition.

–  According to Smithsonian Magazine "fear of the #13 costs American a billion dollars per year in absenteeism, train and plane cancellations,  and reduced commerce on the 13th of the month." 

Wrapping this up, and this is pretty serious people, there is a Demonic Werewolf Warning on for tonight, with Mystic Investigations reporting:

Friday The 13th is one of the few days certain ArchDemons are let loose from hell.  Archdemons are powerful fallen Archangels who now dwell in the bloody sea of eternal evil.  Once in our reality they seek out violent rage filled paranormal creatures.  Since the moon is still above 80% full, Werewolves are the top candidates for demonic possession.  Once they possess a Werewolf they use their new powerful body as a focused weapon against humans.

Any Friday the 13th that coincides with a full moon (80% or more) leads to demons possessing werewolves as they roam about in a rambling rage during the haunted hours between dusk and dawn.  When the Lycanthropes transmute back to human form the demon is still with them, and in full control of their mind, and body.  Despite trying to hide it you will see signs of evil in what is otherwise a good person.  They will possess superhuman strength well beyond even that of their werewolf form.  Once in werewolf form their strength and speed will be ten times greater!  In addition none of the normal werewolf deterrents, such as Wolfsbane, will work on them.  Not even silver bullets.

You can identify a demonic werewolf by the ghastly crimson glow of their enlarged enraged eyes.  We suggest you exercise extreme caution when going out at after Midnight on Friday morning or at night before Midnight Saturday.  In fact we recommend staying in a home with active protection spells in place or somewhere on hallowed grounds.  Use of a silver cross or holy water will have limited effect on these demonic beasts of the night and may in fact anger them even more.  They will be a lot more intelligent than a standard werewolf so you can’t simply scare it away like an animal.   You need to seriously run for your life because it’s your only chance.  Once you spot the hellish hound you’re pretty much dead unless you can get to hallowed ground or someone with amazing magical powers.  We wish you luck on this most unlucky of days which is now even more dangerous thanks to the full moon.


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