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Pornhub Invites You To Vote For Your Favourite (SFW) Ad For It’s Next Hilarious Ad Campaign

Hey, we all do it. Heck, there's even a whole month dedicated to it. Now (NSFW!) wants you to vote on the 15 finalists in it's contest to find it's new Creative Director. They had an open contest last month to design a safe-fro-work ad for the site and now you can go vote for your favourite out of the finalists.


Popular porn paradise, PornHub, reached out to porn enthusiasts everywhere in March, challenging them to create the best safe for work advertisement. The winner will not only have their one-of-a-kind advertisement featured for the website, but will be the new creative director for PornHub.

There are 15 finalists left, and you can vote for them here

Here's a few of our faves … they're too funny!:

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