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Spellbindingly Beautiful « Narcose » Brings You Into The Hallucinogenic Voyage Of A Free Diver – Simply Gorgeous

Wow. That's really all I have to say after watching this incredibly beautiful short film created by a team of Frenchmen which captures the hallucinogenic visions that freedivers experience while swimming to incredible depths underwater without any supplementary oxygen. Guillaume Néry is one such diver, in fact the incredible visions and trippy scenes are as close to what he actually "experienced" on his 125 meter deep dive.

"Deep water freediving exposes its practitioners to a form of narcosis, which induces several symptoms, among which a feeling of euphoria and levity that earned this phenomenon its nickname of “raptures of the deep”. The short film relates the interior journey of Guillaume Néry, the apnea world champion, during one of his deep water dives. It draws its inspiration from his physical experience and the narrative of his hallucinations."

Beautiful and haunting all at once, this is simply a work of art we can all enjoy.

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