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Man Heads Into Indian Desert To Film 26 Hour LSD
via gizmodo

According to the YouTube description, this guy went by himself to the Thar Desert, India, to have an LSD trip that lasted for 24 hours. It's beautiful there, but having LSD on your own—let alone in the desert—is a huge risk.

"It was the most beautiful and yet frightening experience," he said. Watching his reactions you can almost see the thoughts crossing his mind. It's a shame that the video just covers the beginning of the trip.

After the trip ended, he wrote down this description of the experience, including a list of things he's learned. It's some pretty trippy shit!

well video was just shot in the starting of Trip, & what i had experienced in next 25 Hours i can,t describe it in totality,its infallible, & no camera can shot it except my own eyes ,utter bliss to make me cry, terror, Beauty & Nuclear bomb exploded inside my Skull. while facing Sun & as i closed my eyes ,i see Millions of Sun,Stars, lights I Mean What was that ? i had never seen anything brighter, & beautiful than that ever , can,t even comprehend it, its beauty is beyond words,my Ego was Dissolved,& i was feeling love for all,but in those moments of utter bliss,awe & wonder ,in Praise i lift my hands towards beautiful Universe.

it was the most beautiful and yet frightening experience of my life, i spend whole day from Noon 12 & whole night in Thar Desert,in night time beautiful Milky way Galaxy was in front of my eyes,stars were dancing with Trance, i was Alone in whole Thar Desert with lots of Scorpion ,insects lolz,they bite hell out of me lolz,so i change my place in desert 3 times,snakes come in Desert not now but in may ,june haaaa heeee but i will advice Tripping in Desert is not for everyone ,it can be tough,as body need proper nourishment water etc also, while tripping, & my water got finished lolz very earlier ,in morning i drank 2 Jugs of water , i bear hotness of desert sunburn as well as coldness in night,i was lying in desert with love &was feeling love for mother Earth, .The Dose was very Strong & Visions were like anything spectular i had seen ever seen,knowledge ,beauty & Universal Love, as well as Death & Destruction,frightening visions, lolz it was all Paradoxical, and i was wrong earlier, we can learn a lot , can improve a lot , from a Bad Trip, bad trip is not really bad trip, it is Good Trip :)))) & finally next morning i see beautiful sunrise & than i do camel riding, but got into debate with camel owner that camel should nt feel discomfort & u need to love him a lot,still tripping, as i came out of Desert, everyone was laughing at me , Haaaaa, face full of dust,but Acid lets u fight your fears, so i sit with those villagers,I drink Tea,as one bad boy ask me what is your caste ? i said i don,t believe in all this, he make my fun , but in end i said a Human being is a Human being,& he was silent,but it is my advice that while tripping please avoid negative people, things can turn bad too, as i reached Jaisalmer city from sam,there too people were laughing,some also scare off as my face was full of sand dust, & eyes were Red like red light.when i see my face in mirror of hotel , i got scared ,i was also able to do telepathy too .but i can see the magic, of being polite, magic of softening my ego, things which could have effected earlier in the city, did,t touched me, i was smiling, was lost into Trance, i was feeling kind of affection who so ever i observe in the city from animals to Humans, all living beings.

Lessons Learned
i achieved not some Ego Death after Trip, but Ego softening.
That when u hurt a living being
u hurt your own soul
when u love a living being
u love your own own soul
that when u behave badly with someone, you did,t harm him actually, u left a impression, and if the impression is bad, it harm your own soul,and u will smell very badly lolz ,even those who love u will turn u down,but if u love all, smile always, even your enemies will calm down, & u will spread your Fragrance every where , all will love u & u will love all.
Therefore i will say sorry to all those Human beings whom i had hurted in the Past…and if you had done so, than go for it because after sometime there will be nothing left but regret..i forgive everyone who so ever had hurted me , and i forgive myself for hurting them, but if make your soul strong, nothing in this Universe can hurt u, u are ATMAN, u are Brahman, u are Universe.
That Love & Happiness, kindness are Strongest weapons in the world,not war weapons, look at the life of King Ashoka, his biography was in my front me when i was Tripping & i cried out, and i decide that i will try to spread Smile & love as much i can in this Universe.

i learned what Leary had said " If you want to change the way people respond to u, change the way u respond to people "
if u look in eyes of any living beings ,deeply ,they are craving for Love, for affection, so lets spread it in the whole world as much as we can,although it is not possible to make everyone Happy but we can try our best to minimize pain and Increase Happiness.
i realize earlier i was what ??? i was so wrong, so wrong, in so many planeS… and i need to Transform myself for better , i need to change myself …and now i am feeling strong, things which were hurting me before, is not even touching me anymore, and i am feeling Love for all living beings lolz, it is blasting from my nerves..
Love u all,all living beings in this Universe :)))))) 
lets Smile, lets love each other to our Best & make this World a Beautiful Place :))))


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