1. The Biggest Loser … of their "whistler 20"
A little known fact outside the ski-town bubble world – and I swear I'm not trying to be mean here! – is that many first-year "locals", especially of the female variety, spend a little too much time on the barstools as opposed to the slopes and succumb to the dreaded "Whistler 20", which of course refers to the 20 or so extra pounds many pack onto their derriers by the end of the winter.
So what better place to start a reality show than a ski town mid-spring with five lovely contestant fighting through a series of obstacle courses and activities to see who can be the first one to recover to their pre-winter weight?

Random hookup and games of just-the-tip are not only a right of passage for those living the ski-bum life but a damn good way to get an STD or three! Hey, if you're gonna go for you might as go all the way and see who can reach the fabled "20 STDs by April" mark.
Don't worry, all contestants are provided with a never-ending supply of penicilin in their bedside tables!
3. So you moved across the world for a year and broke your arm on the first day shredding …
Classic ski town move! You're so excited for your big year away that you head straight for the double-black diamonds and break your frickin' arm or leg on your first day out. Now you are faced with a few months off the slopes while all your friends shred pow.
So what to do? Well, that's where the contestants come in. Whoever has the most fun and comes up with the most creative use of their free time wins. You'd be surprised at the amount of off-slope activities towns like Whistler has to offer! Spin some clay, learn to knit (so hot right now!) or become a professional blogger. The world is your oyster.

Build a cabin in the woods and live rent free for the winter. Rain, theives and bears are just a few of the obstacles you're going to have to avoid if you're going to make it all the way through the season!

Six people in a three bedroom? Ha! That's just a start.
Let's see what happens when you pack 18 eager Australians into a ski chalet and let them fester for five months! Challenges may include identifying unknown objects in the fridge, daring each other to clean the piss-covered toilet bowl and seeing if you can convince that cutie from the bar to ignore your four other roommates as you attempt to give her the best 30-seconds of her life.