UPDATE: There seems to be some confusion over whether or not this product was approved "in error". Some news outlets are claiming it's approval has been revoked while the company itself is saying it's just a problem with the labeling. We will keep you in the loop as the story develops, god forbid someone keep this amazing product away from me!
A new way to get your booze up that hill is coming to market in the US and it's good news for those of us with back problems … Powdered alcohol to the rescue!
Seriously, what's worse than having to pack in bottles of booze while hiking/camping? Camping sober, that's what. I mean, what's the point? Nature? Pfff. I need me a nice stiff drink to go along with that side of stars thank you very much. Sure sure, daytimes are filled with beautiful nature hikes and endless cascading waterfalls but come sunset, there's nothing better than a few bevies around the campfire. No shame in that.
Coming in in four flavours – Cosmopolitan, Mojito, Powderita & Lemon Drop – these nifty little pouches of powder are all you need the next time you head into the backcountry, or say, a bar 😉 Just add water and, bam, instant party.
Of course when news of this phenominal new product hit the interwebs a few days ago many were quick to rush to judgement but the founders of the company have hit back with a quick FAQ which we've condensed below.
Who created it and what exactly is it? Mark Phillips created it. Click on the link above for information about Mark.
Imagine a Margarita on a counter. And then imagine if you could snap your fingers and it would turn into powder. That's Palcohol….without the magic. Palcohol is just a powder version of vodka, rum and four cocktails….with the same alcoholic content.
Why create Palcohol? Mark is an active guy…hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, etc. After hours of an activity, he sometimes wanted to relax and enjoy a refreshing adult beverage. But those activities, and many others, don't lend themselves to lugging heavy bottles of wine, beer or spirits. The only liquid he wanted to carry was water.
So he thought? Wouldn't it be great to have alcohol in powder form so all one had to do is add water? Since powder is light and compact, it wouldn't be a burden to carry.
Mark searched for powdered alcohol and it wasn't available. So he began his quest to create it. After years of research, experimentation and consultation with scientists around the world, he finally came up with powdered alcohol and called it Palcohol.
Now Palcohol is here. A great convenience for the person on the go. One package weighs about an ounce and is small enough to fit into any pocket.
It's not just for the sportsperson. Palcohol can be transported in your luggage without the fear of bottles breaking. In any situation where weight and breakage is an issue, Palcohol provides the answer. That's why we say, "Take your Pal wherever you go!"
What is the alcoholic content when consuming it? Palcohol, when used as directed, by adding five ounces of liquid to it, is equal to a standard mixed drink.
What's in it? It varies per version but basically, alcohol….and in the cocktail versions, natural flavorings and Sucralose as a sweetener. The ingredients of each version are listed on the front of the package. Palcohol is gluten free.
What flavors are there? We plan on releasing six versions sold in a pouch that is the equivalent to one shot of alcohol:
V which is powder made from premium vodka distilled four times.
R which is powder made from premium Puerto Rican rum
V and R can be used two ways. One way is by adding five ounces of your favorite mixer to make a Rum and Coke, Vodka and Orange Juice, etc. Another option is adding five ounces of water to the powder and then adding a flavored drink powder to make it any flavor you want. The result is equivalent to one average mixed drink.
Where will it be sold? Think of Palcohol as liquor….just in powder form. It will be sold anywhere where liquor can be sold and a buyer must be of legal drinking age to buy it. It will be available both in the United States and abroad and it can also be bought online.
Can I snort it? We have seen comments about goofballs wanting to snort it. Don't do it! It is not a responsible or smart way to use the product. To take precautions against this action, we've added volume to the powder so it would take more than a half of a cup of powder to get the equivalent of one drink up your nose. You would feel a lot of pain for very little gain. Just use it the right way.