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How to Recover from A Weeklong Hangover: The Ultimate Detox Guide For Hard Partying Boys & Gals
Congratulations. You survived WSSF.

You haven’t gotten good at partying, you have just forgotten how it feels to wake up in a non-vertiginous state. The reality that your body is unable to function on a diet of strictly 80 proof and shell fish & tomato juice liquids will rear its head up into the queasy damp blanket of late April air. While the parties come to a dead stop, the tourists head south on the 99, the village stroll becomes as desolate as the bloodless scenes in a zombie movie, and you come down from your social butterfly high. Enter rain.

The infamous week has arrived in which all fall into the depths that is post-wssf sickness. The illness has many faces: an upgrade in the common cold severity or lingering whistler cough, the projectile 24 hour flu, exhaustion due to 3 day benders, or the burdensome emotions that accompany loss ofwhatever dignity you had left. Go aheadpoint the finger, “Vodka made me do it”. What a jerk. Whatever classification you may move sluggishly into, damage control is necessary. Send in the troops.

Lets deal with the havoc the liquid courage hoodlum and his team have done to your temple. Enemas and Wild Rose Cleanses aside.

Detox time.


“I am never drinking ever again!” Ya, we’ve heard that before. While the abstinence maybe be short lived, it is necessary to detox. But seriously. Take a break.
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All those trips to the bathroom support the fact that alcohol is a diuretic. Excess alcohol consumption leads to dehydration, accompanied by dizziness and dry mouth. Water is one of our few primary needs to function. Aim for 1.5- 2 liters minimum.

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Here is hydration calculator to help you get more a personal water guzzling goal:

Say no to Joe

Quick to reach for the caffeine as the hangover cure? Coffee acts as a diuretic too. Make sure to pair it with water if it's a daily necessity of yours.

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Coconut water

Hangover potion extraordinaire. It is a natural electrolyte provider. It is hydrating, contains calcium, potassium, maganese, magnesium, vitaminC, and B complex vitamins. Serves as an anti-baterial, anti-fungal, and alkalising agent. Just to list off a few benefits.

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Fruits and Veggies

These guys, they are your friends. Almost all fresh fruits and vegetables will help detox your system. Up your raw food intake and stock up on dark greens and healthy fats. Some suggestions to target the nourishment of your liver.


Best: leafy greens, artichoke leaf, seaweed, kale, collard greens, asparagus,

Good: asparagus, beets, spinach, radishes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumbers, dandelion greens, endive, green beans, okra, onions, potato skins, reishi mushrooms, string beans, turnips, watercress.


Almonds, barley, brown rice, corn germ, lentils, oats, oat bran,rice, soybeans, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, wheat germ.


Avocado, eggs, sesame seeds, fish oil, flax seeds, raw walnuts.


Apples, blackberries, black cherries, figs, grapefruit, oranges, papaya, peaches, prunes, strawberries.


Cilantro, basil, garlic, ginger

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When life gives you lemons

Drink them. A simple glass of water with lemon juice can be used to cleanse & boost the immune system, balance pH, and purify the blood. It contains vitamin C and acts as an antacid.

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Blended not stirred

Sub in the late afternoon margarita for some a nutrient packed glass of health. You will be surprised how many things you can sneak into it.

My go to:

Mean Green Fighting Machine

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.1 banana
.1/2 mango
.1/4 avocado
.2 lrg kale leafs
.1 cup almond milk
.1/2 cup water
.1 tbsp raw cacao powder
.1 tsp maca powder
.1 tbsp chia seed
.1 tsp ground flax seed
.1tsp spirulina
.1 tsp cinnamon

More recipes:
The Best Detox Smoothies from The Glitter Guide
25 Delectable Detox Smoothies from Prevention

Get moving

Literally sweat it out. No triathlon necessary. Just get moving. Get outside go for a walk, run, attend a yoga class, bike, hit the gym, anything! The sweat session will stimulate your lymphatic system. Which is responsible for moving out the toxins.The endorphins released will help boost your mood too.

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Cut out the crap

Opt for fresh, organic, local, healthy foods vs. deep fried, bleached flour, empty calorie foods. Literally swap in a veggie packed stir fry for toquitos and hot dogs. Your body can use all the help it can get right now. Remember veggies and fruits are your friends.

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Sleep is for the weak

All those late nights and crappy sleeps have drained you. Not to mention that booze messes with your sleep patterns, causing you to doze less in the deep sleep range. Time to catch up. Log some extra shut eye.

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Vitamin Aisle

Stop by your local health food store and chat with the knowledgable human working to discuss what multi-vitamin or liquid gold might help restore your body. A few common favorites: B-complex, D, Calcium, Magnesium, and C. May as well throw in some Immune Booster Tincture, Oil of Oregano, and Grapefruit Seed extract for preventative measures.

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These are all minor introductions and lifestyle tweaks to get you back to feeling more alive again. If you have the mentality that it is necessary to go big or go home or work better when committing to some larger goal, opt for a full on cleanse. Such as, the Wild Rose Cleanse, Raw Food Diet, Liver Cleanse Diet. The list can go on forever. However, generally suggested to run a cleanse during warmers months and when your immune system is not completely shot. Chat with a local nutritionist, health food store owner, and/or naturopath if you want to dive head first into a more complex detox.

To keep it as simple as possible. Follow this:

Drink lots of water, eat clean, sleep, exercise, and stop drinking.

The human body is amazingly resilient. Its network of internal cleaners will do wonders if you follow the 4 steps above.

Good luck!

Cover photo. Pinterest photo.

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