Last night there was a party centered around ART. An art show? Sounds boring and pretentious. Dismiss the images of strangely dressed humans with pucker faces and
squinty eyes peering at a paint splatter jibber jabbering using vocabulary like ethereal
and transcendent whilst sipping on a martini.
Exchange for a diverse group of outdoor enthusiasts, artists, skateboarders,
snowboarders, designers, locals, creative beings, and visitors. Some with 1 eye
squinted towards the end of the night after a few too many liquids. Add in a digital
graffiti battle, an opportunity to give back, live music, a large variety of art mediums, and
more things to sip on. Doesn’t sound so painful. Naturally there were a few stereotypic
creative loners or maybe they were sleeping while standing. However, they were out-
numbered. And well, everyone was welcome.
The main foyer of the Whistler Conference Center filled with guests coming to kick off
the WSSF with the primary art venue, the State of the ART. With art displayed by a
world-wide spread of artists in numerous mediums and forms.
Like Baskin Robbins, there was a flavor for everyone.

This years main sponsor Skullcandy did a collaboration with the participating artists.
They donated each participant with a pair of Crusher Headphones to paint. These
headphones have been put into a silent auction. 100% of the profits will go towards
Zero Ceiling Society. An organization that provides adventure-based
learning programs that empower at-risk youth and young adults to develop life skills and
achieve personal growth.

TOMS also stepped in and teamed up with 4 local photographers to create Wander with
Purpose. These beautiful prints are also up for sale within the silent auction. With all
profits going to the Zero Ceiling Society as well.
A digital graffiti battle went down thanks to Tangible Interaction. The following SOTA
participating artists battled it out: Baz Carolan, Stan Matwychuk, Kris Kupskay, Benji
Andringa, Tori Hillier, Jane McDougall, Sasha Pellow, and Chrystale Thompson. They
went head to head with 5 minutes to create their art with literally a click of the mouse.
The winner of each heat then progressed to the next session. With Kupskay and Baz
left standing in the end. The votes were posted as real-time as it gets, on LCD screens.
The audience voted and Kups walked away with bragging rights and a wicked trophy.

The party didn’t end there. Everyone headed over to Garfs to keep it going. I mean it
is Day 1 of the WSSF, the bar needed to be set high, no excuses. Let the 10 days of
festivities begin!
If you missed the launch party, no worries. The exhibition will be open to the public, free
of charge from 12 noon – 6pm during WSSF.
If you are unable to attend at all. There is an online store up and running as well at www.stateoftheart.corecommerce.com