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Yoga Love For Your Back – 15 Simple Moves To Strengthen and Relieve Pain

Back problems. True injury gremlins that we have all had the pleasure of meeting. Maybe you should have lifted with your knees, not overshot that jump, not gone over the falls on that wave, avoided tumbling down some stairs drunk, or calmed an aggressive sneeze. However wise Ice Cube may be to some, “you can do it put your back into it.” is not always successfully followed through. Put plainly, you zigged when you should have zagged and you are feeling the repercussions of it.

Fear not young one! Or old. Not only can some of these problems be fixed, they can also be prevented. I have put together a little pack of tasty yoga treats for youto help strengthen those muscles that support and stabilize that integral column of yours.

And if impressing your significant other with your svelte stomach and sexy lats aren't enough reasoning, let me put this little tidbit of info out there. A fact to feed your brain and common sense. If your spine were to stand alone, without any help from your muscles it would collapse with as little as 20 lbs. That is roughly the weight of a puppy, a toddler, a gallon of water, a kitchen aid mixer, or 4 large trout. So give your spine a helping hand. Stop everything you are doing and give it a nice big hug, the core strengthening and spine stabilization kind. Then after you are done with that teach it how to stretch so you don't get a stage five clinger on your hands. No one likes a stage fiver.

All yoga postures incorporate an element of some sort of core engagement. There are numerous postures that would benefit the strength or relief of the muscles associated with back health. Below only lists a few. Some of these poses might seem simple, but it is the attention to detail that is necessary to get most benefit.

**Disclaimer. While these poses can bebeneficial thosestrengthening, relieving lingering pain, or preventing future issues, they are not suitable for all. If you have a preexisting problem it is best to consult a medical professional before participating in these poses. While some might benefit from spinal flexion poses, it could bea movement that others should avoid. So stay smart. Listen to your body and communicate with your physiotherapist, health guru, doctor, whom ever you seek advice from as to what is appropriate for you at your stage of rehabilitation.

This is all in your hands. You have the opportunity here to go through the entire sequence, to play with 1 or 2 postures a day, to hold the pose for 1 breath or 10 breaths. You decide. Listen to your body, be gentle, don’t forget to breath, and have fun with it! Don’t forget to smile.


1. Mountain Pose
2. Eagle Arms
3. Big Toe Pose
4. Cat Cow
5. Plank Pose
6. Cobra
7. Downward Dog
8. Warrior II
9. Triangle
10. Half Moon
11. Locust
12. Camel Pose
13. Supine Twist
14. Staff Pose
15. Legs up the Wall

Tadasana // Mountain Pose

Bringing it back to the basics. Good posture.

What it does:

.improves posture
.relieves sciatica
.brings awareness to the abdomen

How to:

.Stand tall, with your feet together. Big toes should be touching and and heels slightly apart. Find an even balance on both feet.
.Engage your thigh muscles.
.Begin to initiate uddiyana bandha. Squeeze your perineal muscles (imagine the muscles that stop and start urination) in and up.
.Engage your abdominals. Invite your belly button towards your spine.
.Direct your tailbone down towards the floor.
.Grow tall through the crown of your head.
.Allow your shoulder blades to draw downwards while lifting your sternum towards the sky.
.Find space in your collarbones and relax your arms by your side.
.Shine your palms forwards.
.Bring your chin parallel to the floor.
.Relax your face and gaze.

30 seconds – 2 mins or more!

Eagle Arms // Garudasana arms

Find some space in that jumble you have created sitting at a desk or obsessively checking facebook on your computer.

What it does:

.Opens your upper back.

.Wrap your right elbow under your left, rotating yourpalms towards each other.
.Bring elbows to shoulder height.

.Find space between your shoulders and neck.
.Work hands away from your face.
.Breathe into the space between your shoulder blades.

Big Toe Pose // Padangusthasana

Tight hamstrings are often the underlying culprit of lower back pain. So lets stretch them out!

What it does:

.Lengthens hamstrings
.Strengthens hamstrings

How to:

.With feet hip width apart (roughly the distance of your2 fists)
.Wrap your index and middle finger of each hand aroundyour big toes, palms facinginward,and bring your thumbs to meet your fingers, forming a lock.
.Half way lift to straighten your spine.
.On exhale, press your toes downwards and pull your fingers upwards. Push and pull method, forming resistance.
.Let your elbows splay out to the side.
.Melt your chest towards your thighs.
.Hollow your back.
.Bring is as much bend to your legs as necessary.
.Lift your sit bones to the sky and relax your hamstrings.
.With every inhale lengthen through your spine and with every exhalemelt further into the fold.

Hold for 5+ breaths

Cat Cow Pose //  Marjaryasana to Bitilasana

What it does:

.gentle massage for the spine
.gets the synovial fluid moving (fluid around the spinal column)

How to:

.Starting on all fours. Table top.
.Hands shoulder width apart. Legs hip width apart.
.Shoulders stacked about wrists and hips above knees with a neutral spine.
.On your exhale round your spine and shoulders.
.Energetically pulling your belly button up and towards your spine.
.On your exhale melt your chest and belly to the floor.
.Send your sit bones to the sky and shine your chest forwards.

Repeat 5+ times

Palakasana // Plank Pose

Holding your breath will not make the time pass by more quickly.This I promise you. Don’t forget to breathe.

What it does:

.Builds abdominal strength

How to:

.Begin in a table top position.
.Hands shoulder width apart while pressing your index finger and thumb onto the mat.
.Shoulders staked over your wrists.
.Extend your legs straight behind you, toes tucked under.
.Soften the space between your shoulder blades. Do not allow your chest to sink towards theground.
.Engage your core and thighs.
.Keep your hips buoyant and invite your tailbone towards your feet.
.Head and neck should be neutral.
.Hold for 10 seconds.

*Do not let form suffer for more time! If you feel your belly beginning to sag towards the ground at all, stop.

Bhujangasana // Cobra Pose

What it does:

.Strengthens Spine
.Stretches abdomen
.Stimulates abdominal organs
.Soothes sciatica

How to:

.Lower all the way to your belly from plank pose.
.With your hands underneath your shoulder, fingers spread wide.
.Huge your shoulder blades together.
.Press your hands into the floor and begin to rise up chest first.
.Draw your fore arms in.
.Think of pulling forwards with your hands.
.Use back strength to initiate the lift through your chest and then followed by the use of your arms.
.Open through your chest.
.Keep hugging your shoulder blades together while pulling your shoulders away from your ears.
.Broaden your collarbones.
.Engage your legs by pushing the tops of your feet into the ground.
.Head should be neutral.
.Relax your face.

Hold for 5 seconds – 30 seconds

Adho Mukha Svanasana // Downward Facing Dog

What it does:

.Energizes the body
.Relieves back pain

How to:

.Begin in table top position, with toes tucked under.
.Lift your knees off the ground and bring your buttocks towards the sky.
.Feet can be hip width or together, whatever you prefer.
.Invite your heels towards the floor. If they hover, thatis okay. Flat feet on the floor is not the objective of this posture.
.Hugs your forearms towards each other so that the crease of your elbows face each other.
.Press away from the ground through your hands while drawing your belly closer to your thighs.
.Find space between your shoulders and neck.
.Pressure should be even between the weight on your hands and feet.
.Play with bending and straightening you legs, and moving side to side. Whatever movements feel good.

Warrior II // Virabhadrasana II

What it does:

.relieves backaches
.therapeutic for sciatica

How to:

.Starting from downward facing dog.
.Step your right foot forwards between your hands, with toes pointed forward.
.Pivot your back foot so that the pinkie toe side of the foot is parallel with the back of your mat. Your front heel should align with the arch of your back foot.
.Engage your core and rise up.
.Right knee should be staked on top of your right ankle.
.Press the inner arch of the back leg into the floor to make sure that it is engaged.
.Check to make sure that your torso is staked on top of your hips. Not too forward, not toobehind.
.Engage your core muscles.
.Tuck your tailbone underyou and draw it downwards towards the ground.
.Grow tall through your torso. Find length through the sides of your ribs
.Draw your shoulder blades down your back.
.Shoulder away from ears with your neck long.
.Extend your arms to either side. Parallel to the ground.
.Chin parallel to the ground.
.Bring your gaze forward just past your middle and index finger.

Hold for 5 or more breaths

Extended Triangle Pose// Utthita Trikonasana

What it does:

.stretches spine
.strengthenes your abs

How to:

.Begin in Warrior II.
.Bring left hand to your right hip. Keep your right arm reaching forwards.
.Straighten your right leg.
.Energetically hug your feet together.
.Extend your torso towards the right. Try and touch the wall in front of you. Be mindful to pivot at your hip joint, not your waist.
.Bring your right hand to gently rest on your ankle, some sort of block, or on the outside of your ankle.
.Press the outer heel of your left foot= into the ground.
.Press your right big toe firmly into the ground.
.Reach your left arm to the sky.
.Draw your shoulders away from your ears.
.Lengthen through your torso.
.Keep your core engaged.
.Bring your gaze to your left hand.

Hold for 5 or more breaths

Ardha Chandrasana // Half Moon Pose

What it does:

.Strengthens your spine
.Stretches your spine
.Improves coordination and sense of balance

How to:

.Begin in extended side angle pose.
.Bring your gaze just in front of your right foot.
.Place something sturdy in front of your right foot, be it a block or stack of books if need be. Otherwise reach forward and gently put your finger tips on the floor for balance.
.Bend your right knee.
.Shift your weight off of your back leg and onto your right.
.Open your left hip to the side.
.Rotate your trunk to the left, followed by your shoulder.
.Reach your left arm up towards the ceiling.
.Standing leg should be straight with a micro bend at your knee. Ensure that your knee is not locked.
.Lengthen through your torso as if there were a rope at the crown of your head your left leg.
.Find length through your arms as well.
.Keep your core engaged.
.Shoulder away from ears and neck long.

*To release come back to warrior II slowly and mindfully.

Hold for 5 or more breaths

Salambhasana // Locust Pose

What it does:

.Strengthens the muscles of the spine
.Improves posture.

.Start lying on your belly with your arms at your side, palms up.
.Find length in your neck and bring your shoulder blades down your back.
.Hug your scapula together.
.Squeeze your thighs together.
.On your next inhale bring your chest up,legs up, arms up, and head up off the floor.
.Reach your hands back behind you.
.Keep a neutral neck. Gaze slightly forward.

Hold for 5 or more breathes 1-3 times with 1 minute rest between

Ustrasana // Camel Pose

What it does:

.Strengthens back muscles.
.Improves posture.

How to:

.Starting in a kneeling position, standing on your knees with knees hip width apart.
.Option to have your toes tucked under or the tops of your feet flat on the ground.
.Energetically press your shins and feet into the floor, while hugging your shins towards each other.
.Bring your hands to your low back, fingers facing up or down.

.Roll back your shoulders to open through your chest.
.Lengthen through your torso and lift through your chest.
.Ensure that your hips stay over your knees at all times.
.Option to stay here or deepen the posture.

.Bring your gaze up and carefully reach for your heels behind you.
.Breathe into the space between your shoulder blades.
.Continue to lengthen from your tailbone and your chest.
.To come out of this pose bring your hands back to your low back for support and gently and slowly rise up.

Hold for 5 or more breaths 1-3 times. Avoid sitting on your heels and reaching forwards  between sets. Instead sit on your heels and relax.

Jathara Parivartanasana // Supine Twist

What it does:

.Stretches back muscles

How to:

.Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest.
.Extend your left leg out straight.
.Guide your right knee across your body to the left to meet the ground.
.Extend your arms out to the sides with palms facing up.
.Look to your right.

Hold for 5 or more breaths. Switch sides.

Dandasana // Staff Pose

What it does:

.Strengthens the back muscles
.Improves posture

How to:

.Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
.Flex your toes towards you.
.Sit tall.

Hold for 30 seconds +

Viparita Karani // Legs up the Wall

What it does:

.Relaxes lower back muscles
.Drains stagnant fluid from the legs

How to:

.Lie on your back with your buttocks against a wall.
.Legs extended upwards.
.Arms at your side or extended outwards with palms facing upwards.

Hold for 2-10 minutes

I hope this little nibble of the delicious yoga cake satisfied your back’s appetite.

Namaste yogis.

All photos taken at The Core Gym and Climbing Center in Whistler, B.C.
Shirt: Billabong
Pants: Lululemon
Sports Bra: Lululemon
Photos taken by: Adam Chuntz

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