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Thuggie Life Chose Me: Meet The World’s Best Garment
A slave to fashion, I am not.

In the days of my youth, my mom and sister took care of purchasing and picking out my outfits. My dad once let me choose my own outfit– I wore two different shoes all day. High school was easy because I had a uniform. The decision of what to wear had already been made. University– now, that was a scary time. I remember one guy telling me that he could always identify me by the dirty Roxy skate shoes I wore EVERY TIME HE SAW ME. I purchased some new shoes after that one.

Magee Walker, Fashionista

All this to say that I am so, so grateful that I live in Whistler, a place where function and comfort reigns in the world of fashion. We don't try to be stylish, we just stumble upon accidental steeziness. (Okay, some of us will never attain steeziness. We're okay with that.).

That, in short, is why I was so, so excited to meet the Thuggie. You see, if ever there were a garment to embrace the Whistler lifestyle, it's the Thuggie. The Thuggie is ideal for lounging around the house. It's made for enjoying a ski movie sweat pant party. It's the perfect to-and-fro yoga piece. It's a natural fit for scuzzy park rats. And it's the perfect amount of ridiculous for apres or Skate Night (I've never actually been to a Skate Night, but I imagine it's optimal Thuggie territory).

What is a Thuggie? It's a gloriously oversized hoodie that comes in the most fantastic colour combinations. It's long. Really long. So long that you don't really need to wear pants underneath, speaking from experience.

To be sure, the Thuggie is not for everyone. If you have a blog devoted to your #ootd, don't wear a Thuggie. But if you enjoy feeling like you're in the middle of a perpetual group hug, then you'll probably like the Thuggie.

Once you've chosen to embrace Thuggie life, you'll be faced with a number of decisions. Zip hoodie or traditional hoodie is one of the harder choices you'll have to make, and there are strong arguments to be made for both.

Decision, Decisions.

When you've narrowed down your Thuggie type, you'll be faced with a wide palette of colour choices. The bright neons are my favourite, but there are subdued versions if that's more your thing.

Fair warning: once you've worn your Thuggie a time or two, all of your other clothing will pale in comparison. Luckily, there is a whole line of Thugginess for you to embrace.

Clearly have been drinking the Thuggie Kool Aid.

Sweatshirt material not cutting it on the mountain? There's a Thuggie for that: the StormShield Thuggie is made from wind- and water-resistant material, and is lined with fleece. My only complaint is that it's not as long as the original Thuggie. If you're going the Thuggie route, you may as well go all the way, so order a size up in this one.

Thuggie a little too warm for those mid-July days? Pick up a T-Thug.

Baby on the way? Start your bambino off on the right foot with a Tugglet. I'm not kidding. It even gets better.

Beer feeling chilly? Show your beer that you care with– wait for it– the Chuggie. I'm dying. I love it.

PS – That's also a Thuggie toque. They really do have it all.

Finally, for those mornings after when even a Thuggie can't perk you up, look no further than Funzie Onesie. Life doesn't get any better.

If you're ready to enter the sweet, sweet world of Thuggies, head over to their official website, or check out a retailer that carries the goods (Evolution, in Whistler). You can even check out their booth at the WSSF next week. It'll be the best $84.99 you've ever spent in your whole entire life, because you'll never need to buy another garment. You will live in this thing.

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