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Learn The Keys To Prosperity With Richard Branson’s Top Ten Tips For Success

When it comes to successful living, Richard Branson – founder of Virgin – knows what he's talking about. The man built a billion-dollar empire yet seems to be having the time of his life doing it. None of that stodgy business-is-everything attitude here. 

He's recently shared his top ten tips for success in this post and here are our five faves from that list:

1. Follow your dreams and just do it

You will live a much better life if you just do it and pursue your passions. Those people who spend their time working on things they love are usually the ones enjoying life the most. They are also the ones who dared to take a risk and chase their dreams. 

2. Make a positive difference and do some good

If you aren't making a positive difference to other people's lives, then you shouldn't be in business. Companies have a responsibility to make a difference in the world, for their staff, their customers – everyone.

3. Believe in your ideas and be the best

Belief in yourself and belief in your business ideas can make all the difference between success and failure. If you aren't proud of your idea and believe in your plans, why should anybody else?


5. Don’t give up

On every adventure I have been on – whether setting up a business, flying around the world in a balloon or racing across oceans in a boat – there have been moments when the easy thing to do would be to give up.

By simply not giving up, brushing yourself down and trying again, you'll be amazed what you can achieve. 

8. Try turning off the TV and get out there and do things

Rather than sitting in front of a screen all your life, switch off the TV or the computer and go out into the world. There's so many fascinating people to meet, exciting adventures to embark upon and rewarding challenges to take on that there's no time to lose.

See the whole list HERE

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