Which milk is best for you? traditional cow's milk? goat's milk? organic? calcium fortified? soy? blah blah blah. Too many options have presented themselves. Each with their own pledge of being the 'healthiest' option out there.
No oath or vow here.
My nomination goes to the nuts. The more information I assimilate myself with in the health & nutrition world, the more I have confidence in keeping it simple.
No-additives, no-hormones, no pasteurizing, no 26 letter word that I can't pronounce. Plain and simple. RAW. Or as raw as possible.
While out of convenience I have reached for the carton in the overwhelming dairy-esque aisle. I finally stepped to the plate to make my own. An overdue action. Especially since it is the task of making this velvety smooth taste bud heaven mylk is uncomplicated, undemanding, and straight forward.
What you will need:
.raw almonds
.glass jar
.filtered water (Whistler B.C. water may as well be)
.nut bag (nylon or clean tea towel)
How to:
. 1:4 ratio // almonds to water
.combined in jar
.let sit in fridge for 24hours (48hours is best)
.drain soaking water
.add the same amount of water back
.blend in blender for 2 mins for a frothy texture
.pour into nut bag
.squeeze out all milk
**Add raw cacao powder for sugar-free antioxidant rich chocolate almond mylk, heat with coconut oil, add cinnamon, dates, berries, kale? get creative.
Will stay fresh for about 3-4 days. Fill up your next jar so that you don't run out!
Photo Cred: Almond Heart http://muscles-are-hot.tumblr.com/page/4
Photo Cred: Bag of Almonds https://www.etsy.com/listing/71506251/almonds?ref=v1_other_1